On 2 May 2010, Polanski published an open letter entitled "I can remain silent no longer!"
Varvara sees Stalin and hands him over the blood-stained letter entitled "To Lenin".
Šatiya's single letter to pharaoh, is a moderately short letter, entitled: "A daughter sent to the Pharaoh".
The June issue of Woodworker published a letter entitled 'Ploughing small' which was answered by Bob Grant.
Later scholars, including John Bale, attributed a letter entitled ad Brytannorum ecclesias, but this is mistaken.
The full anti-Semitic implications of Frank's story were borne out in a letter entitled "Was Hitler a Jew?"
It is a short, 21-line, undamaged letter, entitled: "The sweet breath of the king".
See: letter no. 8 of 8 by Šuwardata, entitled: "A rescue operation".
In 1987, the Russian chauvinist organization Pamyat sent a letter entitled Stop Yakovlev!
In a letter entitled "I stay in Hénin-Beaumont !"