He has submitted a letter endorsing the appointment of Mr. Goodman, but he has also spoken against the move on at least one occasion.
He sent out a letter personally endorsing Huckabee.
One executive committee member, the Rev. Elia Khoury, has sent a letter endorsing the agreement while excusing himself for health reasons.
One representative said he didn't receive a single letter endorsing continued assistance.
Though La Monte did not campaign actively for his candidacy, President Wilson wrote a public letter warmly endorsing him.
To this end he wrote a letter endorsing the findings of an Italian Government commission accepting 432.
A letter from the nation's bishops endorsing candidates who espouse Christian principles and oppose abortion was read out at every Mass.
He was one of 31 Members of Parliament to sign a letter endorsing an All-India Federation with provincial autonomy as a way forward of constitutional reform in India.
Representing Farm Credit of New Mexico, as its president, he sent a letter endorsing the legislative lobbying organization People for Preserving Our Western Heritage.
The approval came hours after the Pentagon released a letter endorsing the deal, saying it would have little impact on the military's ability to buy weapons from competing sources.