Romilly thought, annoyed, that if the letter concerned her, she should have been the one to read it.
"Perhaps other letters concerned the library fund held by Richard Dokeby."
The letter concerned the mother of the complainant who had died at the hospital, where she was a paying patient.
The open letter concerns the planned release of a Nirvana boxed set this Christmas.
To Dr Christopher Wren, 4 April 1665 The letter concerns the surviving son John (1655-99).
The letter, written in the winter of 1497/8, mostly concerns the 1497 voyage.
His letter mostly concerned the prisoners Shivetya is holding up there.
The letter was addressed to Aurelius Herapion, epistrategus, and concerns a debt owed to the author by Agathodaemon.
A second letter concerns a draft of the inscriptions of a structure called the "Sacred Marriage Chapel of Isesi".
But Senator Kerrey said tonight in a telephone interview that the letter concerned the amendment's repeal.