There also was a letter appealing to the goodwill of the Antwerpers.
Last year, another supporter drafted a letter appealing for help, a copy of which made its way to her relatives in Virginia.
Mayor Harry Hands sent letters appealing for donations to all municipalities throughout the Union.
The files include letters appealing directly to Mr. Hussein.
The majority of Burnet's time was spent writing proclamations, orders, and letters appealing for funds and volunteers.
Please send courteous letters appealing for the immediate release of Jampa Ngodrup to:
Please send courteous letters appealing for the immediate and unconditional release of Abie Nathan to:
In an effort to secure military and financial support, Sandino wrote letters appealing to various Latin American leaders.
They sent letters appealing to customers to pay part at least of what they owed in 1955 and within a week the £600,000 had been reduced by £150,000.
Please send courteous letters appealing for his immediate release to: