We are hopeful that this letter will alert even more communities that they too can make a difference.
In his letter alerting Guatemalan authorities to the plot, Mr. Alvarez wrote that while he opposed the Castro Government and Communism, "I believe that terrorism is not the way to resolve the Cuban (or any other) situation."
My letter alerted them to our weakness, and they came to exploit it.
She mailed that letter at the same time she alerted the stationmaster that there was a body at the orphanage; various authorities would have to be sent for.
Dr. Tassone was not dismissed until last year, and then only after an anonymous letter alerted officials in February 2004 that Ms. Gluckin had stolen much more than first believed.
Francis E. Smith, the faculty members' lawyer, said Thursday that the letters alerted Professor Obinna and Mr. Bellamy of the university's intent to dismiss them.
Masson sent Jane Harris's letter on to Child and Child alerted Clyne.
The letter alerted the officers to the likelihood of working "five 12-hour days and occasionally six 12-hour days" to prepare for an antiterrorism drill in early summer.
The letter, which Mr. Marlin said displayed "real chutzpah," alerted university officials to what appeared to be a large-scale effort to sell human remains.
Two readers' letters this week alerted The Times to the error.