The committee ultimately decided by an overwhelming margin that the letter should affirm that "the marital covenant between one man and one woman" is "to be lived out in Christian fidelity."
The letter affirmed that in essence the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed were as valid in the 20th century as they were centuries earlier.
An open letter to the open-source software community jointly by Nokia and Trolltech affirms intentions to collaborate and requests feedback from community members.
An open letter started by some remaining advocates of non-standard cosmology has affirmed that: "today, virtually all financial and experimental resources in cosmology are devoted to big bang studies...."
An undated letter of Stratico to Francescantonio Vallotti (Biblioteca Antoniana, Padua) affirms their discussions of music theory.
In a letter to a representative of the Kress family affirming the painting's authenticity, Mr. Held said that parts of the work seemed to have been restored, repainted and repaired.
Her letter affirmed that Mr. Camp had been transferred from that section and that he no longer worked for The Texas Triangle either.
The letter, crafted over a period of nine years, deplores "the sin of sexism" but affirms Vatican positions against female priests, artificial birth control and abortion.
In addition, he stated, the pastoral letter "will once again affirm our loyalty and positive attitude, demanded by the Fourth Commandment, toward todays form of government and the Fuhrer. "
The 1983 pastoral letter affirmed the validity of both the early Christian emphasis on nonviolence and the later, dominant teaching that under certain stringent conditions warfare can sometimes be morally justified.