A "bib" worn by each player contains a two letter abbreviation of indicating this position.
Corporate members may be professional or amateur archaeologists and are permitted to use the relevant four letter abbreviation after their names.
Try typing a two letter abbreviation in place of the word antidisestablishmentarianism and you can see the potential time saving.
Each school and college at the university has a three letter abbreviation, which is commonly used in place of their full school or college name.
The letters stand for amino acids and use the traditional one letter abbreviations.
The two letter abbreviation is Mt and is a solid.
Each of the buildings on the main campus are commonly referred to be a letter abbreviation.
The drugs are listed using their single letter abbreviations (in the order given above, which is roughly the order of introduction into clinical practice).
These maxima are for the largest sail possible and they are defined by a letter abbreviation.
Three letter abbreviations are commonly used to describe subjects mentioned in incident reports.