Access to firearms or other potentially lethal means.
More significant were the events that followed: The decision of the Israeli police on 29 September to use lethal means against the Palestinian demonstrators.
The Army has only said that there will be lethal and non-lethal means to help with missions in both civilian and non-civilian places.
He added, "I was trying to shift away from more lethal means," such as firing live ammunition.
"Perhaps it is as well not to have such beauty that has to be preserved by such lethal means."
However, it is a crime to participate in the preparation for or execution of a suicide, including supplying lethal means or instruction in their use.
Serious warning signs of imminent suicidal risk include a specific plan and intent to commit suicide, along with access to lethal means such as firearms.
"So whenever there's a shift to more lethal means, that's very concerning."
Bipolar II patients were also found to employ more lethal means and have more complete suicides over all.
This has been attributed to males using more lethal means to end their lives.