Her lessons focused especially on the development of the student's own style.
The Russian lessons focused on the Cyrillic script, the writing, the reading and the grammar of the Russian language.
The lessons focus on 12 evidence-based healthy eating and physical activity behaviors for weight management.
The lessons were practical and focused on using observation to learn to draw in geometrical perspective.
The lessons in the logic years focus on reasoning skills: identifying relationships between facts and ideas, discerning fact from fallacy, etc.
Some lessons focus on relations with mothers-in-law, couples psychology, childbirth and cooking.
Only one lesson focuses on means of prevention, covering both abstinence and condoms.
This lesson focuses on the martillo which is the primary bongo rhythm in Afro-Cuban music.
In embedded phonics, letters are taught during other lessons focused on meaning and the phonics component is considered a "minilesson".
Ho's lesson focused on hairspray, a plastic comb, coffee in a cup, a Sharpie pen, and a baby stroller.