Private lessons cost $25, $15 for an additional person.
The two-hour lessons cost $6 and equipment can be rented for $4.
A private lesson, with a maximum of five people, costs $21 a person an hour.
Private lessons at home can cost $400 to $600 for six to eight weeks, with each lesson lasting an hour.
When asked how much the lesson would cost, Guy told him "five dollars."
I know what lessons cost as well as you do; and I'm ready to pay.
Basic lessons cost about $3,000 to $4,000 and take about four to six months.
Private lessons cost $36 an hour, a class of two $20 a person, and classes with more than four students run about $15 a person.
Private lessons cost $18 an hour for one to four skiers.
Four two-hour lessons, with no more than 10 per class, cost $1,000, including all flowers and materials.