He was passing methodically in his orbit around the world, regardless of the lesser stars which gravitated around him.
Lying in bed he could see only the sky, a clear summer night sky, the Heart of the Swan riding high among lesser stars.
That the two lesser stars have been consumed, in the manner of the sunspots?
If you have a lesser star you keep working at it to get the consumer's attention.
The superstars (and even some lesser stars) can now write their own ticket.
Some lesser stars also collaborated with Confidential to produce smaller scandals in order to create interest in themselves.
They were back in deep space with only the scattered lights of the Dreen fleet, like lesser stars, speckling the main viewer.
Barnacle Junior, however, was announced as a lesser star, yet visible above the office horizon.
Model yourself on the lesser stars, which avoid travelling far.
Quicksilver glowed among lesser stars, just on the horizon.