A fourth soldier in the unit also was granted a less-than-honorable discharge separately.
The most severe penalties were less-than-honorable discharges and no prison sentences, military officials said.
To date, the most severe penalties in any of the cases were less-than-honorable discharges for five Army soldiers, military officials said.
My only other options were a less-than-honorable discharge or a demotion and reassignment to a remote non-flying specialty.
The Legion believed a large number of veterans had been given blue and other less-than-honorable discharges for reasons that it considered unreasonable or trivial.
He also could receive a less-than-honorable discharge without undergoing a court-martial.
Lieutenant Flinn wisely caved in and accepted the punishment of a less-than-honorable discharge.
More than 560,000 Vietnam-era veterans received less-than-honorable discharges for such offenses as being absent without leave, using or selling drugs or assaulting their superiors.
This normally has little impact on benefits obtained following release from active duty, but can lead to a less-than-honorable discharge from the reserves.
They are warned that using drugs can lead to legal charges and to dismissal from the service with a less-than-honorable discharge, a fact not appealing to potential employers.