The community has committed $48.8 billion to helping its less-developed regions over the next three years.
The peace of mind afforded by title insurance, once a rarity in less-developed regions, is becoming standard.
The population pattern of less-developed regions of the world in recent years has been marked by gradually declining birth rates.
The second is that the greater the differences in development, the more funding should go to less-developed regions and Member States.
At the same time this should not reduce the new cohesion funding for new members and for helping less-developed regions catch up.
It is therefore necessary to restore more limited aid levels and reduce the differentials between the maxima of less-developed regions.
Therefore, I fully agree with the inclusion of the concerns of the less-developed regions.
The fact is that the less-developed regions are currently sacrificing all their potential to this phenomenon, instead of exploiting it to promote sustainable development.
A specific policy has also been developed to assist less-developed regions in Europe.
In any event, emphasis must be given to promoting research and technology in the less-developed regions of the EU.