Among the less-developed nations that are oil producers, many count on oil revenues to pay for ambitious economic and social plans.
Fewer orders for new weapons are being placed, particularly by less-developed nations, which in recent years have bought two-thirds of all arms sold internationally.
The more recent Structuralist perspective looks at international relations from the perspective of the less-developed nations.
Less than half the population has access to clean drinking water, a rate that compares poorly even with other less-developed nations.
Mexico, a less-developed nation concerned about its infant industries, has rejected similar associations with its neighbors as premature.
Surely in the short term it's biased against technologically less-developed nations.
He promoted opening the door wider to trade from less-developed nations as the best way to alleviate poverty and advance democracy.
He said Brazil, besides being the largest borrower among the less-developed nations, had a great need for new loans to further develop its industry.
The primary kind of social organisation is based on kinship, and in many less-developed nations this takes the form of a very large extended family.
"It's a fellow South Asian country" and one of the less-developed nations, he notes.