Any money that came from the community for reconstructing East Germany would be in addition to the money already committed to helping less-developed areas of the community.
It is now a sophisticated trading, communications and financial nexus, an ultramodern staging area for apparel manufacturing in many less-developed areas of East Asia, especially mainland China.
Were there not more advanced members of the human race who went to less-developed, under-nourished or undereducated areas and brought them technology...advancement...even entire belief sys-tems?
Present-day caravans in less-developed areas of the world often still transport important goods through badly passable areas, such as seeds required for agriculture in arid regions.
Objective: to encourage the growth of productive private enterprise in its member countries, particularly in the less-developed areas.
The captors took Mr. Pearl down a dirt road to a less-developed area nearby, stopping at the nursery.
But, in testament to lingering fears of mosquito-borne diseases, which kill millions in less-developed areas of the world, both divisions work cooperatively with their county health departments.
The plan encourages growth where highways and utilities are in place and discourages it in less-developed areas.
Certain regions benefit from measures in favour of less-developed rural areas.
It comes after some disappointing results of earlier efforts to bridge the digital divide, which separates the Internet-connected world from less-developed areas.