She never wore the leopard coat, except once for a last-minute Halloween costume.
She has on a pair of Fendi red velvet shoes with a Prada rose-print skirt and a real leopard coat.
It won't be long, he predicts, before ivory goes the way of leopard coats and crocodile-leather handbags.
I did see somebody famous, a blonde in a leopard coat surrounded by autograph seekers, but I did not know who she was.
But after you, I would love a leopard coat.
"Last week I had seven leopard hats, a leopard coat and a leopard jacket - all fake," she said.
Maybe it would be a leopard coat, instead of a sable, that she would wear during the fur show; but that was a minor matter.
One of them, Debbie Kuhn, 19, who had her hair in pigtails, was wearing a leopard coat.
The appearance of leopard coats on the runway caused gasps among the audience, since leopard is an endangered species.
As one woman said, she is wearing her old leopard coat for the first time in many years.