By exposing lens cells to ultraviolet light, various chemicals and helpful agents like antioxidants, he said, it might be possible to prevent or reverse cataracts.
In lens cells of the human eye, aldose reductase converts galactose to galactitol.
Additional secondary fibers are derived from lens epithelial cells located toward the equatorial region of the lens.
In addition to the mechanisms already mentioned, the addition of damage to the DNA of the lens cells has been considered.
Growth of natural lens cells remaining after the natural lens was removed may be the cause, and the younger the patient, the greater the chance.
The lens cells they grew are those that play a role in cataract formation.
When older people develop cataracts, a layer of lens cells, called fiber cells, become opaque.
The telescope itself was in working condition, in 1999 the Army gave permission for the removal of the lens cell to be removed for refurbishment.
By April 2000, the lens cell was replaced and the telescope fully restored and the larger of the surrounding trees had been removed.
This change in the gradient, they found, caused the embryonic lens cells to die.