After a lengthy separation caused by the war, they were divorced in 1945.
Even married couples have the option of taking 'companions' during times of lengthy separation.
It had been a near thing, so weakened had Ezri become because of her lengthy separation from the symbiont.
My daughter, Hypatia, sailed with me this trip and her mother will be very concerned at our lengthy separation.
The separation, however lengthy, could not lead to divorce at first because, under Greece's restrictive divorce laws of that era, spousal consent was required.
After a lengthy separation, Williams and Longet divorced in 1975.
Helen Candee divorced her husband in 1896, after a lengthy separation.
After a lengthy separation, Mwangi filed for divorce in 1979.
In this novel, Anita attempts to reconnect with her friends and allies after a lengthy separation, and to undo the damage caused by her absence.
Nimitz lay across Honor's chair back, and she could taste the cats' unhappiness, their grief at the prospect of a lengthy separation.