They offer prizes such as T-shirts for filling in "lengthy profiles that ask for purchasing behavior, preferences and information on other family members."
Additional images of the actress, who is 28 years old and married to Bruce Willis, accompany the lengthy profile by Nancy Collins.
Included is a lengthy profile of the passionate, charismatic 52-year-old Mr. Sachs.
A lengthy profile appeared in The New Yorker in 1959.
In conjunction with the case, the Jamaican Gleaner wrote a lengthy profile about Markus.
I finished my lengthy profile with an intriguing detail about the family.
Steve Coogan is the subject this week of a lengthy profile in the New Yorker.
He read lengthy profiles, and even criminal records, which he thought of as their resumes.
That question is asked throughout a lengthy profile of the company's publicity-shy chairman, Si Newhouse.
Buzz Bissinger, who wrote the lengthy profile of Mr. Bloomberg, believes the administration protests too much.