But invasion and lengthy occupation were not the way to democratize Iraq.
The Chieftain and his sons, after a nightlong discussion, settled down to a more lengthy occupation than had been planned.
Signs of a lengthy and reluctant occupation were everywhere.
That means preparing American opinion as well as American force for the possibility of a dangerous mission followed by a lengthy occupation.
Renewed Israeli airstrikes and intensified ground operations can offer no lasting solution unless Israel is prepared to undertake another lengthy occupation to prevent resupply and regrouping.
Destitute and practically destroyed, Paraguay had to endure a lengthy occupation by foreign troops and cede large patches of territory to Brazil and Argentina.
After noting the risks of a lengthy postwar occupation, the memorandum says that "U.S. military plans are virtually silent on this point.
The first, T-3, was located on a drifting ice island and hosted scientific parties during several lengthy occupations.
Today marked the first time the administration has discussed what could be a lengthy occupation by coalition forces, led by the United States.
During the 1950s, the Ice Station established there hosted joint military-civilian scientific parties during several lengthy occupations under "Project Icicle".