In one of them, he wrote a lengthy obituary for Sterling Morrison, who had died in 1995.
According to the lengthy obituary written by Julie Cruikshank in American Anthropology Catharine was incredibly humble about the impact of her Northern research.
The Icelandic national newspaper Morgunblaðið published a lengthy obituary.
The lengthy obituaries which he earned in the British press deserve to completed now by the publication as soon as possible of his memoirs, on which he was working to the last.
His newsletter was also known for its lengthy obituaries of deceased wrestling figures, as well as a desire to chronicle the deaths of every wrestling figure possible, no matter how minor.
He died not long afterward, prompting lengthy obituaries in the magazines.
A lengthy obituary of over 1,200 words, corroborated by other primary sources.
The first article of the first issue of the Atlantic Monthly (November 1857) is a lengthy obituary for Jerrold.
The Annals of Connacht give a lengthy obituary for him, under the year 1328:
He started with a lengthy obituary of Walter Jerome Clifford, and threw in everything but the names of his childhood pets.