In a sense, the story is really one lengthy monologue interrupted by what are essentially stage directions.
Major is not someone given to lengthy monologues.
It is satirical comedy about several political philosophies which are expounded by the characters, often in lengthy monologue.
We are now obligated, it seems, to make a similarly lengthy monologue.
His lengthy monologue contains some inspired poetry, especially among Shepard's early plays.
Sentences are generally very short, even in the occasional more lengthy monologues.
At one point, a woman rose from her seat and began a lengthy monologue about her own housing troubles, cheered on by the audience.
(1976), delivering a lengthy monologue that was included on the original cast album.
The conference was a typical lengthy Hitlerian monologue.
While on the train, he engages in lengthy monologues about history, philosophy and politics.