Upon request by Donovan, Ian Fleming was contacted to write a lengthy memorandum describing the structure and functions of a secret service organisation.
But Senator Bob Dole, the Republican leader, inserted a lengthy memorandum into the Congressional Record five days later.
He voiced deep-seated concerns about Soviet expansionism for the first time in a lengthy memorandum on Soviet policy dated 31 August 1944.
While serving as Governor Carter's executive assistant, Jordan wrote a lengthy memorandum detailing a strategy for winning the 1976 Democratic Primary.
With him he carried a lengthy memorandum of introduction from the OSP, with Lord Kristal's signature.
A Call for Postponement The critics have made their presence known in Washington, both through lengthy legal memorandums and meetings with Justice Department officials.
He said Mr. Wallach was in the habit of "giving me lengthy memoranda" that he did not have time to read "thoroughly."
Last year Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, told administration officials in a lengthy memorandum how to talk about the environment without alarming swing voters.
In late 1995, 'Bob' wrote a lengthy memorandum that also disappeared.
In one lengthy 19-point memorandum to her staff, she raised an alarm about a woman who she believed had become "obsessive" about trying to meet her.