Nota Bene is the word processor of choice for many scholars who employ lengthy footnotes and intricate internal references, again not something I use.
The appeals court decision also prompted discussion because of a lengthy footnote contained in the opinion that decried the 8,000 pages of records filed with the court for this case.
"Kay had forgotten about the McNamara affair," he reports in a lengthy footnote.
They are strewn with expressions in idiomatic French, and with undecipherable inside jokes that bear the additional burden here of lengthy footnotes.
Generally, these abbreviations should be used sparingly and only (1) to avoid repeating a lengthy footnote and/or, (2) to cross-reference a nearby footnote.
Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman utilizes extensive and lengthy footnotes for the discussion of a fictional philosopher, de Selby.
Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon Days includes lengthy footnotes and a parallel narrative.
The book is a collection of his columns, with minor changes and lengthy footnotes, leading up to the 2004 World Series victory by the Boston Red Sox.
It also contains lengthy footnotes and legal references.
Adapting this long, crowded novel (HarperCollins) posed particular problems, since the book's period detail is so dense it sometimes calls for lengthy footnotes about Cuban-American music and culture in the early 1950's.