Newspapers published lengthy excerpts from the Starr report, and one Internet company provided a Hebrew translation of the entire report on line.
On this occasion, the pas de trois within this lengthy 19th-century excerpt, to Ludwig Minkus's score, was shortened.
However, a lengthy excerpt from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is always included.
To mark the moment, he is publishing a compilation of lengthy excerpts from his work over the years, fiction and nonfiction, essays and journalism.
Argument is highly evidence-based, with numerous lengthy excerpts from books and articles read by each side.
Thoreau's review includes several lengthy excerpts from Etzler's book that give a good feel for its contents and its bombast.
European scholars in the 19th century generally preferred Devanagari for the transcription and reproduction of whole texts and lengthy excerpts.
The script incorporates lengthy excerpts from Milwaukee police reports of the Jeffrey Dahmer case.
A lengthy excerpt from the 1965 serial Galaxy 4 was returned by Doctor Who fan Jan Vincent-Rudzki in the 1990s.
Life Itself (lengthy excerpt)