Good quality pitch pine was not obtainable in the lengths required.
Special techniques were used to measure the length of the fiber and its consequent delay, required as part of the overall calculation.
After a pause of about the length required for a man to stop breathing permanently, they heard the bar being lifted.
I use the ironing board mostly for skirts that have to be steamed to the length required.
Keeler followed a writing procedure of his own; he'd often write a huge manuscript, perhaps twice the length required.
It rambles on for four and a half hours (tonight's episode is 90 minutes), about twice the length required.
The long focal length required for this particular photo had flattened the image to begin with.
Nothing official on record, but his previous length required "a lot of maintenance," the spokesperson speculated.
The continuous slab is then cut by big diamond circular saw according to the lengths (and width) required on blueprint.
The scarf joint is used when the material being joined is not available in the length required.