A moment later, the entire length of the sinew rope fell around them.
Conversely, short day plants flower when the length of daylight falls below a certain critical level.
During the same decade, the average length of a hospital stay fell to 7.2 days from 7.6 days.
The length fell away, the charred strings floating for a second or two on the surface of the water, and then disappeared.
The wooden length fell away, exposing a long, thin blade.
Without warning a length of strong rope fell into his hand.
Like the stock market, the length of many women's dresses also fell with a peculiar synchronicity.
About 90% of fragment lengths fall within a two-fold range.
Officials pointed out that the average length of a delay in May fell to 37 minutes, from 56 minutes last year.
Finally in 1993 the show's length fell to one hour.