They have the largest minority-business lending program in the country.
If that were carried out in full, it would affect dozens of the fund's lending programs around the world.
The fund already uses graduated interest rates on some lending programs.
However, the authority is self-supporting and does not use tax dollars to fund its lending programs.
This lending program would be advantageous to both the administration and parents.
As a result, many banks have increased their lending programs for the poor.
He said that the $90 billion lending program had been financed by the Treasury and was already part of the national debt.
Internal studies in recent years have found that about two-thirds of its lending programs to developing nations meet the bank's standards for success.
But the mergers that have helped create the lending programs are also a cause of concern for some.
A $22.5 billion lending program is expected from 1990 to 1993.