The Berkeley Public Library has been lending tools for 31 years and offers everything from screwdrivers to table saws to plumbing wrenches.
Competitors freely disclose what makes their robots tick and are quick to lend tools and materials to rivals.
With nothing much to buy in the stores, tenants exchange seeds and bulbs, and liberally lend tools.
The Temescal branch of the Oakland Public Library operates this facility, which lends tools, free of charge, to library patrons for repairs and home-improvement projects.
I could see that he was about as willing to lend me one as a cabinetmaker is to lend tools.
The Channel stores even lends tools.
In additions to books and other such things, the public library in Wyandanch, L.I., lends tools.
Work points also were awarded, beyond personal labor, to individuals or to families who tended group-owned livestock or who lent their own animals or tools for solidarity group use.
Library Lends Tools If libraries lend tools for improving the mind, why not lend tools for improving the house?
The Qurayza did not participate in the fighting - according to David Norcliffe, but they lent tools to the Muslims, to defend themselves in Medina.