Both Mr. Tilney's playing and the ambiance of Toronto's Church of St. Mary Magdalene lend sparkle to the performances.
The columned shopping arcades that once lent a Rue de Rivoli sparkle to the Centre-Ville, or downtown, were devastated by mortar fire.
AN oustanding entry in the crime genre, a snappy musical production, a realistic melodrama and a classic jolter lend sparkle to the lineup of films on television this week.
And, even if he makes a mint of money, he'll never lend any shine and sparkle to Tara, like your father did.
The cold air made dark roses bloom on her creamy brown cheeks and lent extra sparkle to her brown eyes.
Finally, a silvery Dodge van appeared, lending sparkle to a dreary Midtown street.
SOME springtime froth and a world famous drama lend sparkle to the screen menu on television this week.
One wing of the insect stood erect and straight, but the other was bent and crumpled and had lost some of the dust that lent sparkle to the color.
Passage to India 17 Main Street Mount Kisco (914) 244-9595 VERY GOOD THE SPACE - Crystal ballroom chandelier over the sleek bar lends sparkle to the otherwise dimly lighted dining room.