The dim lights, Oriental rugs, wall hangings and soft Eastern music lend mystery to this Afghan outpost, with its blend of Middle Eastern cuisine and spicy Indian accents.
There was no more light here than in the room they'd exited, but the murk lent mystery to the images.
Yet the phrase lengths are irregular and unpredictable, lending mystery to the music.
The blurb lends mystery to Miss Westmacott's identity.
But Glen, peering at the world through Taylor's boozed-up eyes, lent the action a credibility and mystery it scarcely deserved.
The formal, even overwhelming architectural setting, the woman's fierce glance and the odd alienation of the figures lend mystery to this painting, which suggests more a lens view than one done in oils.
Miss Tikaram's voice lends mystery to even her more straightforward statements.
Words and food are bound together in some inexplicable way, a peculiar communion that lends grace and mystery to what otherwise would seem to be a simple exchange of gluttony for publicity.
For a few moments he was content to look at the maid's face and the way the orange firelight lent it strength and mystery.
For fall, as other designers were paying homage to her past work, Demeulemeester explored drapery, creating wrapped dresses that lent mystery to her tailoring.