The unavoidable sidebar had lent them unwise insight into Arithon's character and potential.
Although she is a predominantly silent character, Maisie lends insight into the spirit of her mother.
The discovery may lend insight into how people learn to fear, and how the body reacts in response.
Overall, his theoretical argument often lacks historical fact, which lends himself more to provocation rather than insight.
And Sheepshanks demonstrates an economy of expression that can lend insight to even the briefest scenes.
In 2006 Geisse wrote an exposition which lends insight into his specific harmonic concept.
The findings, which appear in the current issue of the journal Science, lend insight into the nature of human movement.
If only being female automatically lent you insight into people.
The movement's distinguishing feature was the belief that the spirits of the dead could be contacted by mediums to lend insight to the living.
It usually never bothered him, but now he recognized the need for such experience to lend him insight as to how best to proceed.