The mountains around the river were blown up and the remaining ruins, coupled with lava formations, lend distinction to the park.
When you publish, as you've expressed a desire to do, that will lend further distinction to the university.
To foster democracy, to lend distinction to politics and to promote values over temporary interests.
Arched windows and doorways with brown sandstone sills lend distinction.
Getting listed lends distinction to a property.
Age seemed to lend distinction to his still-handsome face.
She was one of the very first women to sit on any New York court, and she lent distinction to all of them.
Animation and intelligence lent distinction to an otherwise unremarkable face.
Slender, with sleek hair cut to perfection, he had prominent cheekbones that lent distinction to the planes of his face.
From the mid-1950's on, she lent distinction to a string of otherwise lackluster movies.