They praised its quiet motor and leisurely speed and approved of the pompon itself.
Only a few hundred meters of the mountain were left, and the eruptions around it now moved at a more leisurely speed.
He raced toward them, one eye on the barge, which cruised at a leisurely speed into the middle of the Seine.
Slowly she built up to a leisurely walking speed.
I finished my drink at a leisurely speed and made my way back to the police station.
Another five days at that rather leisurely speed would bring us to the Tower I've spent my life searching for.
They drove at a leisurely speed toward town, Doreen cussing a purple streak the whole time.
You had better start on your bicycle for Redhill at once, and I will walk back at leisurely speed.
But the leisurely speed itself is a USP of the highway.
The large, private spacegoing vessel left Laskar at a leisurely speed.