The doctor prepared for a leisurely pursuit, but the truck didn't move.
In the post-war era, trousers became acceptable casual wear for gardening, the beach, and other leisurely pursuits.
I have to admit that for the last few years I've had ample time for more leisurely pursuits.
Of course if you are inclined towards more leisurely pursuits, you'll find that many interesting and beautiful places to explore are but a short drive away.
Ah, well, he thought, once the lad was gone there would be time for more leisurely pursuits.
One of his leisurely pursuits is painting.
By the time he was thirty Law had established himself as a successful businessman, and had time to devote to more leisurely pursuits.
In addition to nurturing more leisurely pursuits, the canals played an important part in Stockholm's trade history.
Over the course of subsequent centuries, the term came to mean "recreational" or "leisurely pursuit".
We watched as they gained the fields of Namarre, d'Aiglemort's force following in leisurely pursuit.