The new man professing centrist views was subject to attack as a secret liberal and closet Carterite; the change came with the Pledge (patriotism-impugning issue) and the Furlough, which more legitimately questioned the Duke's stand on punishment.
That might seem to settle the issue, even if future historians could legitimately question whether April 29 or May 4 was the "real" premiere.
But how is it that some historians may legitimately question the numbers of the Holocaust, and others can not?
When federal interposition occurred, it typically responded to widely publicized episodes of research misconduct, sometimes intertwined with egregious financial self interests of investigators; these episodes legitimately questioned the effectiveness of institutional oversight.
He concludes that 9/11 truthers while "desperately trying to legitimately question a version of events" end up playing into the hands of the neoconservatives they are trying to take down by creating a diversion.
Given the methodological caveats and the heterogeneity of study characteristics, one could legitimately question the appropriateness of pooling the results on hepatic iron concentration across studies.
OK - you could legitimately question her acting skills if you look back at the roles she has played in the last few years, but maybe she'll surprise us all and put in a great performance.