While, on the other hand, any software that has high user consent, and which results in tolerable direct negative consequences should be regarded as legitimate software.
Others perform as legitimate software for weeks or months, then touch off an electronic time bomb.
Some of these warnings might be legitimate software doing their tasks though, so it is up to the user to decide whether to allow or block the behavior.
Many vendors of legitimate software complain that their products are quarantined by this feature.
On the developer side, legitimate software and service providers can have independent verification and testing of their source code.
In legitimate software, the advertising functions are integrated into or bundled with the program.
Just to be anal, I want to point out that 'MacDefender' is legitimate software developed in Germany.
Trojans (short for trojan horse) are malware posing as legitimate software.
The difference between a legitimate software update notice and malware is a very fine one.
Some legitimate software is available, but it is less popular and versions on sale are often obsolete ones.