"If the police force is not trusted or respected then you can't have effective or legitimate rule of government or law."
The grounds for the legitimate rule of these political organizations, according to Weber, fall into three major categories, or types:
Following victory, the new government proceeded with unifying the country under a single, legitimate and powerful rule by the imperial court.
This means that he has a legitimate rule.
You're the one who "harasses" the gate agent with your demands based on "breaking legitimate rules," while the rest of us wait.
As Postrel says, these open-ended comments are a long way from seemingly legitimate rules like "Hide the garbage cans."
But the setback doesn't diminish the value or need for continued commitment to human rights and legitimate civilian rule in a country that has known little of either.
"Home Improvement" is often not recognized as a legitimate rule.
Jason must journey to find it, in order to restore legitimate rule to Iolcos.
I conform to the legitimate rules of experimental enquiry.