So many powerful technologies are streaming into private hands that Government is struggling to protect even the bare minimum of its legitimate domains.
Finally, paranormal phenomena have become a legitimate domain of scientific exploration, and NFI is spearheading that exploration.
NASK has also warned that worm traffic may unintentionally inflict a DDoS attack to legitimate domains which happen to be in the generated set.
The 12th Schedule of the Constitution of India (Article 243 W), inserted by the constitution 74th Amendment Act of 1992, provides a list of 18 functions as belonging to the legitimate domain of Urban Local Bodies [19].
Louboutin's own website now sells some of their products online in the US but this is the only legitimate domain with the word Louboutin in it to do so.
Two researchers who set up doppelganger domains to mimic legitimate domains belonging to Fortune 500 companies say they managed to vacuum up 20 gigabytes of misaddressed e-mail over six months.
It would appear that medicine murder in the 18th and 19th centuries may have been considered the legitimate domain of traditional chiefs and leaders, in order to improve agriculture and protect against war.
In the libsecurity package, what they said, the impact they cited was an attacker in a privileged network position who can obtain a domain name that differs only in the last characters from the name of a legitimate domain may impersonate hosts in that domain.
Furthermore, both this web sites and, the legitimate domain of West Coast, contained the meta keywords "moviebuff" and "".
Many of our deepest questions call upon aspects of both for different parts of a full answer-and the sorting of legitimate domains can become quite complex and difficult.