"The Legislature has directed" that election contests be resolved in the courts, it says at one point.
And it has yet to extend its job-placement services to the poor not on welfare, as the Legislature directed a year and a half ago.
They may even have the Legislature direct me to share the secret on the pain of confiscation of property, imprisonment-who knows what?
The legislature should further all wise and well directed efforts for the promotion of temperance and morality.
Article II provides that "each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors."
The Legislature directed that only supervisory employees, many of whom are no longer covered by union contracts or Civil Service, get the budget ax.
In addition to their general police powers, the Legislature has directed that State Troopers have the following specific powers and duties:
Under Article II, a state's electoral votes must be appointed "in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct."
He actively promoted the Bill of Attainder and Confiscation which the legislature passed on 22 October 1779 directed at 59 loyalists.
The Constitution reads in pertinent part: "Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors."