Because this is an election year and a reapportionment year, legislators worried about what to say to a new array of potentially angry voters in November.
And legislators worry that there may be new indictments to come.
The crime convinced lawmakers that they needed better control of access, and provided justification for the spending that some legislators had worried would be considered extravagant.
It was a new era in New York state politics, where until now legislators never worried about being attacked at home in off-election years.
With such questions remaining, some legislators worried that they would have little time to review the measure before the vote, scheduled for next Tuesday.
Some legislators worry that a bailout of the troubled agency could cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Other legislators worried about the absence of the United Kingdom.
If New York had a functioning democracy, all this would make legislators worry about their chances for re-election.
Some legislators worried about the reaction to the bill in a state whose economy was built on tobacco.
But some legislators worried that such a measure would be interpreted to preclude civil unions.