Several transportation analysts, however, said Amtrak had been forced to walk a tightrope in Washington because there are many legislators opposed to federal financing of its operations.
Largely because of opposition from legislators opposed to abortion, the program excluded abortions from a long list of covered services.
Not only are many conservative legislators opposed to the idea but the proposal also could cost more than $2 billion a year and would complicate budget negotiations now taking place.
But legislators opposed to abortion are confident about the passage of what they say could be the nation's most stringent restrictions on abortion.
The Bush administration did not have a large bloc of legislators opposed to the war from the outset.
To prove their point, the group published the partial Social Security numbers of legislators opposed to financial privacy on his website.
He said legislators opposed to the plan should not be allowed to avoid a vote.
But the prospects for eliminating Ukraine's nuclear weapons remained uncertain, with hard-line legislators opposed to giving up the weapons and the Russians skeptical of the plan.
Christian legislators opposed to Syrian-backed candidates had boycotted the electoral sessions.
The protest was supported by legislators opposed to the cuts, who bought meals for the protesters.