But the remaining 150 legislators ignored the panel, even after agreeing to accept its recommendations.
Our legislators have ignored the medical facts and the advice of Secretary of Health and Human Services Louis Sullivan that no such danger exists.
It is a phenomenon that governors, legislators and even Presidents ignore at their peril.
This meant that, in practical terms, legislators and challengers could ignore the new boundaries and run in districts formed in 1983.
Ms. Carsky and other pro-privatization legislators ignored the best and most cost-effective solution to the year 2000 problem - keep the County's I.S. function in-house.
But the legislators mostly ignored much larger, specific and politically difficult cuts the President had proposed in Medicare, retirement pay for Federal workers and farm subsidies.
During his tenure as Governor from 1979 to 1987, Mr. Riley overcame the state Legislature's resistance to his education package by creating a constituency that legislators could not ignore.
"The legislators ignored me," Gordon said.
The Republican leader of Riverhead, Monique J. Gablenz, said the legislators should not ignore the East End request.
The system enables legislators to look at the social benefits of some programs - and to ignore the bottom line.