Manfred, baseball's chief labor lawyer, said that baseball was "going to be looking at some of our alternatives, including legislative relief."
He, for one, believes that the profession does not deserve legislative relief until it takes its own responsibilities more seriously.
Go seek some kind of legislative relief?
Next year, without legislative relief, the companies will have to pay about $125.3 billion, according to the analysis.
Accounting firms have been seeking legislative relief from liability suits over failed audits, a matter the committee will consider.
It appealed for "legislative relief" in a letter sent on Wednesday to the most powerful members of Congress.
Yet the case for legislative relief is intensely controversial.
But, he said, the legislative relief sought by the banks goes much further than that.
Coupled with some modest legislative relief in pension reform, that makes it work.
Until the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, most steel executives expected that Washington would provide legal and legislative relief to the industry.