The board, using legislative prerogative, simply wrote in $65 million in personnel cuts and left it for the County Executive to fill in the details.
The Young and Dunne bills deny local governments this legislative prerogative.
Finally there is the matter of legislative prerogatives.
Use of 49-3 is seen as an infringement on the legislative prerogatives of Parliament and is thus reserved for exceptional cases.
It is the sole body given the legislative prerogatives by the Turkish Constitution.
The military also invoked its legislative prerogatives to unleash all manner of legislation to check the activities of unions.
Many senators resented Roosevelt's interference in a traditionally legislative prerogative.
"The one thing that will unite just about every side of this issue is the idea that the Fed is taking away our legislative prerogative."
So, while I am happy to discuss and to provide information, none of us should confuse the management and settlement of disputes with legislative prerogatives.
If a new legal basis demands the codecision procedure, then this House will not be able to evade the necessity of using all its legislative prerogatives.