The coastal plain has long been in a kind of legislative limbo.
All that Mr. Bush and America can look truly forward to is four years of legislative limbo.
The collapse of the talks leaves Senate supporters of reducing the capital gains tax in political and legislative limbo.
The bill has sat in legislative limbo waiting for those revisions.
But a separate trade pact with Colombia rightly remains in legislative limbo over a much starker labor problem.
After today's vote, the spending bill heads back to the House Appropriations Committee and a form of legislative limbo.
California is one of the states in legislative limbo.
The Patriot Act remains in legislative limbo following an announcement today that it might not be renewed.
Today's action killed the compromise that had been worked out with the House over months in a conference committee, leaving the bill in a legislative limbo.
Meanwhile, problems of ordinary citizens like health insurance and business closings stay frozen in legislative limbo.