Meanwhile, the Legislature's primitive bookkeeping could put off an itemized legislative budget for another year.
The cuts would reduce its own $1.8 billion legislative budget by about $25 million from what was budgeted in the current fiscal year.
The minority leader is paid $63,500 and controls a share of the legislative budget and staff.
The revised plan includes many of the spending-control measures included in the vetoed legislative budget.
The money would be subtracted from the Governor's administrative funds and from the legislative budget.
A1 Patronage is still important in the legislative budget, legislators said.
Yet these same Republicans tenaciously deny taxpayers basic information about their own legislative budget.
Most political observers here expected the Governor to accept the legislative budget, or issue only modest vetoes.
He advocates oversight of the $200 million legislative budget.
Under the legislative budget, overall state aid to the city would still decline, from $6.1 billion, to $5.95 billion, in the coming fiscal year.