The legislation also addresses job training and promotes literacy for adults.
A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
This legislation includes provisions to lower greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy and decrease our dependence on foreign oil.
The Keystone decision is characterized by deference to the State's determination that its legislation promoted public health and safety:
The legislation, which still needs to be approved by the Senate, promotes private United States investment for the 48 countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Environmental legislation that sought to clean up groundwater by ending dependence on municipal landfills promoted the use of incinerators.
Certain legislation can promote equality for men and women, which could question whether there need to be two categories of gender at all (if both are treated equally).
Secondly, legislation should not hamper, but rather promote, innovation.
Secondly, the new legislation will promote cross-border and regional collaboration and investment with a new European network for transmission system operators.
The legislation promotes family planning in its broadest sense.