The legislation overturns the state's longstanding prohibitions against needle sales, making New York the 43rd state that does not require individuals to obtain prescriptions to buy needles from pharmacists.
The city's term-limits law precludes Mr. Giuliani from serving a third term, but a senior aide expressed confidence that special legislation through the State Legislature could overturn that law.
This legislation would overturn a series of Federal Circuit Court of Appeals decisions that have undermined the intent of federal whistleblower law.
Mr. Reid said the legislation would overturn "a flawed administrative ruling" by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Since the Stenberg v. Carhart decision, Virginia, Michigan, and Utah have adopted legislation very similar to the Nebraska law overturned as unconstitutional.
The new legislation essentially would overturn Mr. Bush's order.
As passed by Congress last week, the legislation specifically overturns the Court's decision.
The legislation, which he shaped and shepherded through in 12 weeks, overturned a rigid quota system that had allowed more immigrants from northern and western European countries than from other parts of the world.
The legislation would overturn the Supreme Court's 1984 Grove City College decision, which said that only specific programs or activities receiving Federal aid must comply with anti-discrimination statutes.
Thus the 1935 legislation essentially overturned the holding of George W. Bush & Sons Co.