Within months legislation should end the Federal ban on fetal tissue research and the abortion gag rule.
The legislation would end that ridiculous loophole by instituting a quorum of two when there are only three members.
The two moved to the next strategy - legislation to end the strike.
The need for assistance, he argued, is every bit as great as it was before civil rights legislation ended formal discrimination.
If enacted, the legislation would end the system by which the Government subsidizes farmers who give up control over their planting decisions.
And in both houses, pending legislation might finally end the corrosive flow of special-interest money into members' campaigns.
The legislation would also end most Government controls over the planting decisions of America's 1.5 million farmers.
That legislation would end Government control over cryptographic systems.
European legislation at last has ended price fixing on many, but by no means all, air routes.
But the legislation would not end a security tax of $2.50 a flight segment that the government has levied on airline tickets.